Patient Education

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Cataract Surgery and Anesthesia
The majority of cataract surgeries performed in the U.S. are done with a local anesthetic and IV sed...

The American Optometric Association has recommendations for how often adults need to get their eyes examined and those recommendations vary according to the level of risk you have for eye disease.

Patient age (years)Asymptomatic/low riskAt-risk

If you were to do a Google news search for sports-related eye injuries today, chances are you'd find multiple recent stories about some pretty scary eye injuries.  Whether they are professionals, high school or college athletes, or kids in...

Featured Video Education

Take a moment to watch the following videos featuring our latest eye health tips, products, and office technology! We welcome you to visit our video education library as well, which has many more informational videos. If you have questions at any time, be sure to contact us. We'd love to help!

Dry Eye

Dry Eye Syndrome



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